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In my previous articles on Universal Laws, I’ve covered the laws of Attraction, Vibration, Oneness, Detachment and Sufficiency and Abundance.  In this article I will cover the laws of Cause and Effect, Compensation and Action.  As we go along with these laws you will see how they interact and support each other to create a deeper understanding of what we came to experience to encourage our own evolution as souls.

Understanding the laws of the universe is our guidebook through this journey we have chosen to live.  As you read, think about how you can apply them to your life and your unique purpose–your joyful contribution.

The Law of Cause and Effect

This law states that nothing happens by chance or randomly. Every action has a corresponding consequence or outcome. Inaction is also a choice the produces a corresponding consequence.  For every effect there is a cause. We are always consciously and unconsciously making choices that produce effects.  

So, in looking at your life, what do you see as effects?  If you don’t like the consequences you’ve created, what thoughts, beliefs or actions do you see as the cause?  Success in anything in life is not determined by chance or luck.  It is created within you.  This law has also been called the Law of Karma and the tendency of many is to turn it into a blame or punishment situation.  This is NOT about punishment.  It is neutral.  Causes create effects, effect have causes.  I look at it as information that can help you better understand what you are feeling, thinking and doing on a daily basis that can help you know where you want to shift, what different actions to take and where you are in alignment and feeling good.  Knowing that you are not the victim of circumstance, but are the creator of what you see in your life is a very empowering gift indeed.

The Law of Compensation

Also called the Law of Reciprocity, this law is closely related to the Law of Cause and

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Image courtesy of Ambro at

Effect.  It states that you will always be rewarded in a like manner for what you have contributed.  This compensation can be in the form of money, but also in friendships, gifts, and other blessings.  When you make it a habit to add value, or put in more than you take out (sometimes known as the law of overcompensation) you will see great rewards.  So, look for ways to go the extra mile, give that extra service to the people you interact with–customers, clients, friends and family.  In business, always give more in use value than you take in cash value.

Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad Poor Dad explains the Law of Compensation by saying that at the beginning of any endeavor you will get minimal results from maximum effort. Over time, though, you will see maximum results from minimum effort.  This applies to work, health programs and anything in life.  So keep on going!  You will see the blessings come in time.

Also, filling your mind with thoughts of happiness, success and optimism is another way to contribute, and show up as positive experiences in your life.  When you are happy and going the extra mile, people see it, feel it and appreciate it!  And you just feel better too.

The Law of Action

We live in a physical universe.  Therefore, we must take actions that support our dreams and desires in order to manifest them.  A misunderstanding of the Law of Attraction is that we don’t have to act.  It just doesn’t work that way!

Do the energy work first:  Visioning, getting in touch with the essence of your desire, feeling it as though it is already done,  letting go of the need for it to show up in a certain form and trusting the universe.  All of that is necessary to create what you want.  Then you need to be present to the actions to take and the opportunities that show up along the way. Spending all your time in the future can blind you to what is right in front of you to do.  Action actually frees up energy and gets it moving.  It can feel good because our brains realize we are serious about creating what we say we want and our subconscious gets on board to help us with ideas.

The interesting thing about action is that when we have done the energy work, the actions we take are more joyful.  They seem natural and easier than if we just muscled through.  This isn’t to say we can stay in our comfort zone at all times, but even stepping out into an acton that feels like a bit of a stretch is doable and feels really good once done.  I have had that experience over and over!  When you are in alignment with your desires, you find the courage to cross the comfort zone!

Sometimes we stop ourselves because we don’t know what action to take (I’ve had that experience, too!)  I would suggest that you simply choose an action that feels like a good first step and get going! If it is the wrong action, you can always course correct.  Remember–mistakes and “failure” are simply learning experiences–more information to help you on your way. So you can’t really fail.

In his book, the Science of Getting Rich, Wallace Wattles says:

“A person must not only think, but his personal action must supplement his thought.  By thought the thing you want is brought to you.  By action, you receive it.”

Are you beginning to see how all of these laws interrelate and support each other? I’d love to hear your comments and experiences in applying universal laws!