
Mindfulness and Purpose

How do Mindfulness and life purpose go together? A Mindfulness practice is a great tool for helping you to align with your life purpose. Mindfulness is the simple yet profound practice of focusing your awareness on the present moment without judgement.  This encourages the practitioner to have an attitude of curiosity and compassion.   Here’s […]


Embracing Meditation in Our Lives

Image by vined mind from Pixabay In a world bustling with noise and constant demands for our attention, the pursuit of inner peace and clarity has become increasingly important. Meditation, a practice deeply rooted in ancient spiritual traditions, has become an important exercise for stress relief and self-discovery. Beyond its traditional spiritual significance, meditation has […]


Journal Your Way to Inner Peace

One of the best ways to get through hard times or a personal crisis is to journal your way to inner peace.  It helps to get your thoughts down in writing. Journaling assists you in bringing up emotions for clearing. It surfaces creative solutions to the situation you’re dealing with. And it serves as a […]


Being in Silence—7 Benefits to Unplugging and Getting Quiet

Today we experience more stimulation from our outside environments than ever before. We have more noise and we are more accessible than ever before. More demands are placed on us in our busy lives. Learn seven benefits to practicing silence for 10 minutes a day.


Are You Tuned In?

Have you heard all the buzz recently about mindfulness?  According to the experts, becoming more mindful can impact many areas of your life including your mood, habits, peace of mind, how you interact with others, and so much more. To be more mindful means to be more aware – more tuned into – and accepting […]


The Monkey-Chatter in Your Head

We all have negative voices in our head.  For some they are subtle, passive, and even deceive us into thinking they are there to protect us and keep us safe.  For others, they are much more aggressive, and downright mean.  Sometimes we are aware of their words and influence.  Most other times we are oblivious […]
