Law of Attraction

Change Your Beliefs to Change Your Life

The most important thing you can do to change your life is to change your thoughts. Sounds simple, but as anyone who has tried it knows, those default thoughts that we have been thinking for so long keep rearing their heads. We have, on the average, 60,000 thoughts a day. That’s one thought per second […]


Do You Know Where You are Going?

Having a vision for your life is a beautiful thing. It makes your dreams feel more concrete and obtainable. It gives you focus, direction and a barometer upon which to make life decisions. With a vision, you live with intention and purpose because you know where you are going. Without the direction of a clear […]


What Story Are You Telling?

So, you’ve been trying out the law of attraction and it just isn’t working for you.  You are wondering, “What’s going on?  Why is it taking so long?”  You begin to think this stuff just doesn’t work, or maybe it does for other people, but somehow you’re special and it just doesn’t work for you. […]


The Power of Affirmation

What we tell ourselves has tremendous power to create what we experience, and by the Law of Attraction, the more we think a thought, the more we attract the same kinds of thoughts to us.
