Law of Attraction

Serving by Thought

When we step in to our life purpose, doing work we love and living life according to what we are passionate about rather than simply “making a living” we not only enrich our own experience, but inevitably, we contribute to something larger than ourselves. I’ve had clients worry that what they love to do isn’t […]


Life as a Jigsaw Puzzle

A tradition at Christmas in my family when my sister and I were older, was that someone always got my mother a jigsaw puzzle. We spread it out on the dining room table after dinner and put it together over the remaining part of the holidays as a family activity. It sometimes even involved an […]



“Miracles are Love in Action.” When was the last time you received a miracle? When was the last time you created a miracle? We tend to think of miracles as happening only rarely, or only to special people. We certainly don’t think we can be the source of a miracle. It’s a good time of […]


The Aligning Power of Appreciation and Gratitude

“Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” — Melody Beattie One of the highest vibrations there is, is appreciation. Genuine appreciation for what you already have aligns you with a higher flow and you become a vibrational match to everything you desire. But more importantly, it […]


Why People Don’t Live Their Purpose, Part 5: Beliefs

One of the biggest blockages people face in moving forward with living according to their passions and purpose is belief, both conscious and subconscious. Our beliefs determine what we attract and what we allow ourselves to receive in life. When we start from a place of limiting or flawed premises it will hold us back […]


Finding the Hidden Gems

Image by Barbara from Pixabay We’ve all had those times. We’re going along with our lives and suddenly something seems to come out of the blue and brings us to our knees. Something that feels big and bad and we wonder how we will cope. This is the time we need to look for the […]


ULP or How Good Can You Stand It?

Today I’d like to share an enlightening article by a master speaker, author and coach, Dr. Joe Vitale. I saw this article while looking through, an online self help resource of which I am a member and official Purpose of Life Guide.   It struck me so profoundly that I wanted to share it […]


What Does Being in Alignment Mean?

We often hear from many professionals and speakers that we need to be in alignment to create what we want. Indeed, if you have worked with me you’ve heard it from me, too! But what, exactly does that mean? What are we supposed to be in alignment with and how do we do it? Some […]


Are You Putting the Cart Before the Horse?

There is nothing we want for any other reason than we think we will be happier by having it. Whether it is more money, a lover, physical fitness and vitality, a baby, a better job–you name it. Certainly having those things all feel good! But many, if not most, people get stuck in what transformational […]


Letting Go to Receive

One of the things that keeps us from moving forward in our lives is our tendency to hold on to things that no longer serve a purpose. This can be in any aspect of life–certain activities, thoughts, worry, relationships, jobs, objects, or your past. A helpful practice to cultivate is letting go to receive the […]
