Law of Attraction

Are We Having Fun Yet?

   It’s time to have fun!  The vibration of fun is a high, fine vibration. Think for a moment what it feels like when you are immersed in an experience that is pure fun! Doesn’t it feel like expansion, joy, delight–a lightness of being? When you’re having fun, you’re in the moment completely and time […]


You are Enough

One of the most pervasive beliefs that keep people from living their lives as they truly wish is the illusion that they are not “enough”.  Not smart enough, courageous enough, attractive enough, spiritual enough, creative enough, deserving enough….the list goes on. In thinking about taking steps to move into living your life purpose, those feelings […]


6 Awarenesses from Manifesting Big

This month I’m sharing a personal journey with manifesting because the experience really deepened my own knowing. Coaches, like everyone else, are not “done”. We are still growing and expanding–thankfully! Last September I set an intention for something that felt very big to me. It was something that I really didn’t know how to bring […]


Why Your Expectations are Sabotaging Your Success

Read no further until you watch the video! OK, that was fun! The scientific term for this is inattentional blindness. We see what we expect to see. And it makes an important point about how we create our experiences in the world. Law of attraction says that what we focus our attention on expands. Where […]


3 Steps to Manifesting with Intention

  The act of setting an intention is your declaration to the universe of what goal or outcome you want to experience in your life. It is born of having a vision of what you want–which is the result of experiencing the contrast, or what you don’t want. Every time we run up against a […]


Why Positive Thinking Doesn’t Work

“Positive thinking doesn’t work.”  I made this statement to a group of associates at a networking meeting a while back and received many startled looks. Many of the members have known me for months, if not years, and certainly they all know I am a law of attraction life coach. What was I talking about, […]


Staying Open to the Present Moment

What we want in life we create first in our minds, with a clear vision, adding the feelings of excitement and whatever else we may expect to feel when we have it. We begin with the end in mind. As my friend Steve Maraboli says, “You have to be it to see it.” From that […]


5 Myths About Doing Your Purposeful Work

1.  There isn’t a job or career out there that I would really love. The truth is that, while in any situation there are challenges–since that’s one of the ways we grow and understand ourselves–you CAN create a job or career that you love. It is completely possible to find work that utilizes your talents […]


Living Intentionally

“You create your future with the power of your intention. Intention is simply the conscious act of determining your future now. Health, harmony in relationships, happiness, money, creativity, and love will come to you in the future, based on your intentions now. Intend every day and create your future life.” – Rhonda Byrne Conscious intention […]


Victim or Victor?

Life is full of ups and downs.  Everyone experience those times when things just don’t go the way they expected.  A job or project falls through, disagreements crop up, a spouse leaves–the list could go on!   The difference between someone who grows from these challenges and someone who stays stuck is in how they respond […]
