Law of Attraction

Everything You Want is Downstream

I’m sure you’ve heard these phrases and others like them most of your life: No pain, no gain You can get what you want if you work hard Life isn’t fair We get taught from early on, that success comes only with struggle and even then, we might not achieve it. The truth is, we […]


How to Make Your Job Fun

If you’re feeling stuck in a job you don’t like and are looking to move into something more in line with your purpose and what you love, here’s the catch—you need to be in the vibrational vicinity of what you want before it can manifest in your life.  That means feeling good about your work! […]


7 Simple Tips to Become More Self-Confident

  Lack of self-confidence is one of the biggest blocks to pursuing your passions and purpose. It’s certainly something that I’ve struggled with. Each time you put yourself out to the world, it feels like a risk. But unless you do take that risk, you don’t allow yourself to make your dreams a reality. Self-confidence […]


Law of Attraction Not Working? Here’s Why

Have you been trying to manifest what you want and just not seeing it show up?  If so, you’re not alone.  While the concept of the law of attraction is by now well known, many people still struggle with just how to apply it and get the outcomes they are looking for. While the concept […]


How to Overcome Indecision and Doubt

I used to be caught in indecision about nearly everything in my life. I even had a poster in my dorm room in college that was a quote from Harvard professor Harvey Cox: “Not to decide is to decide.” I put it up as kind of a joke about how indecisive I was and my […]


Sometimes You Have to Just “Be”

I’m going to be really transparent today and share something quite personal. I’m sharing this because I want you to know that anyone, even law of attraction coaches, can get into ruts and have to re-group. It’s just part of being human and learning to trust our inner wisdom, even when it seems impractical. My […]


7 Steps to What Matters Most

What matters most to you?  When you are clear on your top values you have a compass for making decisions about choices that come up in life, including your life purpose. While you’re certainly aware of some of your values, you’ll be surprised at what else is cooking inside. Understanding more about who you really […]


Do You Sabotage Yourself With Worry?

Worry is one of the biggest obstacles to creating what people want in their lives. Most of us grew up with the idea that if you weren’t worrying you just didn’t care about the outcome. I’ve heard parents say, “It’s my job to worry about my children.” Worry comes up because you fear you won’t […]


How to Manifest Your Purpose

(even if you don’t know what it is) If you understand the Law of Attraction, you know that you need to be a vibrational match to what you want in order to see it manifest in this reality. The trick is in how to get into vibrational harmony with something that you haven’t yet experienced, […]


How a Gratitude Adjustment Can Change Your Life

To hear him tell it, Robert had a rough life. People were always picking fights with him. He was always getting cut off in traffic, or being targeted for parking tickets. Authority figures had it out for him, and that made it hard for him to keep a job. Every day, he had something to […]
