Law of Attraction

How to Stop Comparing Yourself

”Comparison is the thief of joy.” – Theodore Roosevelt Teddy Roosevelt had this right. Comparison is a happiness robber. Yet we do this almost as a knee jerk reaction. We’ve been led to believe that the way to measure our worth is by comparing ourselves to other people. If someone else seems to be doing […]


Balancing Action and Alignment

From the time we were small, most of us have been told that you need to struggle and work hard to get what you want and to be successful. Many people speak with pride about the long hours, hard work and massive action they took to get where they are now. They subscribe to the […]


How to Boost Your Self-Esteem

We know having a high vibration is necessary to creating our goals and dreams. Having good self-esteem is important to that process. A common practice people use to boost self-esteem or create positive change in their lives is to use affirmations. But here’s the thing—if your subconscious mind doesn’t believe in what you’re saying, the […]


Core Values and Your Life Purpose

Your core values are the deeply held beliefs about what’s important to you and about the world. They are your highest priorities and your guiding principles. They play an important part in discovering your life purpose. Values aren’t good or bad, better or worse. They are simply what you resonate with—what’s important to you as […]


Laughter and the Law of Attraction

One of the things I really enjoy in my relationship with my husband is how we make each other laugh. It feels great to laugh and that cheery feeling lasts well beyond the actual laugh. Laughter is one of the best ways to get and keep a high vibration. And we know that when we’re […]


Going Beyond the Ego to Find Your Purpose

According to a popular legend, during a tour of NASA headquarters in 1961, John F. Kennedy encountered a janitor mopping the floors. “Why are you working so late?” Kennedy asked.“Mr. President,” the janitor responded, “I’m helping put a man on the moon.” This man saw his work as something larger than simply cleaning a building. […]


The Service of Receiving

Did you know that receiving help and other gifts of the heart from others is actually a service? I am blessed with the most wonderful sister in the world. She has always been there for me, through thick and thin. She’s always looked out for me from the time we were small. I have such […]


How to Craft Affirmations That Work

Affirmations can be a big help in creating the things, experiences, relationships, careers, spiritual growth and bank accounts you want. But, if done incorrectly they can come back to bite you. The important thing to remember about affirmations is imagining you already have what you want and tuning into the feeling that brings you. Here […]


The Universal Law of Polarity

You know about the Law of Attraction. But did you know there are other Universal Laws as well? Understanding them can help us expand our creative power as we go through our lives.  One of those laws is the Universal Law of Polarity. The Law of Polarity states: There is an equal and exact opposite […]


The Power of Beginning

Johann von Goethe knew about the power of beginning, to bring about what we want to create in life. Below is a quote that describes how fully committing to your plans puts energy in motion to help you achieve your desires and goals. “Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back. […]
