Law of Attraction

12 Universal Laws

Many people are familiar with the Law of Attraction, but did you know there are actually twelve Universal Laws?  Being familiar with and mastering these laws can greatly help you with manifesting what you want into your life. It also contributes to your spiritual growth. Here’s a brief overview of the 12 Universal Laws. The […]


The Power of Contrast: A Key to Manifesting Your Desires

When it comes to the Law of Attraction, we often focus on the importance of positive thinking, visualization, and gratitude. But there is an equally powerful, often overlooked element in the manifestation process: contrast. In the world of energy and intention, contrast refers to the experiences and situations we encounter that highlight what we don’t […]


Liberating Yourself From the Grip of the Past

Have you ever found yourself haunted by the ghosts of your past, wondering if your past mistakes or challenges are destined to cast a perpetual shadow over your future?   For some, guilt or regret over past mistakes leads them to think they don’t deserve to embrace a new and improved future.  In other cases, […]


The Life Purpose Kaleidoscope

Life purpose, that pursuit that gives meaning and direction to our existence, is a concept intricately woven into the fabric of human societies. Yet, the interpretation of life’s purpose varies vastly across cultures and philosophical traditions. It creates a Kaleidoscope of possibilities. From the individualistic pursuit of self-actualization to the desire to make a contribution […]


Purpose and Your Life’s Work

Image by PIRO from Pixabay What is the difference between your life purpose and work that is purposeful? Most of the people who come to me for life purpose coaching are wanting to find work that is both meaningful and enjoyable for them.  Being in a work situation that is in alignment with your values, […]


Gratitude and Appreciation

Image by Michael Schwarzenberger from Pixabay Having a gratitude practice is a great way to get into a positive feeling state.  We know that feeling good equals allowing the things we want to create into our lives.  We have to be a vibrational match to let them in.   I’m a proponent of the idea […]


Letting Go

We are the creators of our lives.  Sometimes it may not seem like it.  Events and relationships can go in a way we don’t like and then we feel like a victim. The truth is, we are more powerful than we realize.  We create with every thought.  Manifesting what we want is a matter of […]


The Universal Law of Divine Oneness

The 12 universal laws are our guideposts to creating lives we love and help us expand into our spiritual growth.   The Law of Divine Oneness is the basis for all of the other universal laws.  It’s at the core of who we are and our relationship to all life. It states, simply, that everything […]


Having an Abundance Mindset

What is the difference between having an abundance mindset and having a scarcity mindset? A scarcity mindset is a fixed mindset. It is focused on lack and a belief that the supply is limited. An abundance mindset is a growth mindset. It allows for possibilities, growth and understands we live in a limitless universe. Many […]


Having a Growth Mindset

One of the most important assets to success in life is having a growth mindset, rather than a fixed mindset. What is the difference between a fixed mindset and having a growth mindset? If someone has a fixed mindset, they believe that talents, intelligence and character are finite. They think that what you have is […]
