
Getting Rid of the ANTs in Your Brain for Greater Happiness

Have you noticed that your brain is always “on”?  That’s what it does–it thinks!  Scientists have found we have, on average, 60,000 thoughts a day.  95% of those thoughts are habitual and of those habitual thoughts, about 80% are negative.  That’s about 45,000 habitual negative thoughts a day. We are actually hard-wired to be alert […]


Are We Having Fun Yet?

   It’s time to have fun!  The vibration of fun is a high, fine vibration. Think for a moment what it feels like when you are immersed in an experience that is pure fun! Doesn’t it feel like expansion, joy, delight–a lightness of being? When you’re having fun, you’re in the moment completely and time […]


9 Tips for a Stress Free Holiday

The holidays can be fun and joyous, but they can also be stressful. Extra tasks, feeling that we need to make everything perfect and the drain on our financial resources can suck the joy right out of the season. It’s important to remember to love yourself through this time, and in so doing be there […]


I Love You

As children we were led away from our own inner knowing and taught about the world in a way that fosters many “flawed premises” about who we are and the nature of reality.  That’s OK.  We came to forget so that we could experience the journey of remembering who we really are.  In that journey […]


Why Positive Thinking Doesn’t Work

“Positive thinking doesn’t work.”  I made this statement to a group of associates at a networking meeting a while back and received many startled looks. Many of the members have known me for months, if not years, and certainly they all know I am a law of attraction life coach. What was I talking about, […]


Living Intentionally

“You create your future with the power of your intention. Intention is simply the conscious act of determining your future now. Health, harmony in relationships, happiness, money, creativity, and love will come to you in the future, based on your intentions now. Intend every day and create your future life.” – Rhonda Byrne Conscious intention […]


What Are You Tolerating?

One of the biggest drains on our energy and vitality is the toleration of situations and occurrences in our lives, both big and small, that feel like contraction every time we experience or observe them. “Tolerate” is a verb meaning: “Allow the existence, occurrence, or practice of (something that one does not necessarily like or […]


Victim or Victor?

Life is full of ups and downs.  Everyone experience those times when things just don’t go the way they expected.  A job or project falls through, disagreements crop up, a spouse leaves–the list could go on!   The difference between someone who grows from these challenges and someone who stays stuck is in how they respond […]


Top five regrets of the dying

This is an article I found that I felt is so worth sharing! Don’t wait until it’s too late to live the life you really want–and were meant–to live! It’s YOUR life! What you do with it is up to you and no one else. By Susie Steiner, guardian.co.uk Bronnie Ware is an Australian nurse […]


Life as a Jigsaw Puzzle

A tradition at Christmas in my family when my sister and I were older, was that someone always got my mother a jigsaw puzzle. We spread it out on the dining room table after dinner and put it together over the remaining part of the holidays as a family activity. It sometimes even involved an […]
