
The Benefits of Living a Purposeful Life

“The great courageous act that we must all do, is to have the courage to step out of our history and past so that we can live our dreams.”― Oprah Winfrey The benefits of living a purposeful life are many. Everyone has a calling in life. We are here for a reason and the dreams […]


Releasing What Doesn’t Serve You

Have you ever been in a situation or relationship where you kept getting the feeling you needed to let it go and move on to something else? Did you listen? When you get those feelings that just won’t go way, there’s a reason. That’s your Higher Self sending you a message. You are always being […]


How a Gratitude Adjustment Can Change Your Life

To hear him tell it, Robert had a rough life. People were always picking fights with him. He was always getting cut off in traffic, or being targeted for parking tickets. Authority figures had it out for him, and that made it hard for him to keep a job. Every day, he had something to […]


3 Quick, Easy and Unusual Ways to De-Stress

Stress is a huge part of our modern life. As such, there is a lot of information out in the world about how to manage your stress levels using tried and true methods such as meditation, massage, exercise, deep breathing and calming vacations. All of these methods are powerful and extremely effective. That said, there […]


Your Life, Your Design

Have you ever read a “Choose Your Own Adventure” book? If you have, then you will remember that at various points in the story, you are presented with two or three options. “To follow the man into the cave, turn to page 43. To return to the village, turn to page 57.” It’s a really […]


How to Overcome a Lack of Faith in Yourself

“Talk to yourself like you would to someone you love.” –Brené Brown Have you ever had times when you felt you just didn’t believe in yourself? You lost faith in your abilities and your dreams? You’re not alone. Everyone at some time or another has felt like they just couldn’t see a clear road ahead. […]


How to Conquer Bitterness

There are many reasons why you might find yourself feeling bitter. A relationship breakup, loss of a job, getting scammed, experiencing what you feel is unfair treatment—the list goes on. I was quite bitter when I felt forced out of a job I had really loved by a new administration. Being bitter didn’t feel good […]


Getting to Know Yourself

” To know yourself as the Being underneath the thinker, the stillness underneath the mental noise, the love and joy underneath the pain, is freedom, salvation, enlightenment.”  ~ Eckhart Tolle A large part of knowing your purpose is knowing yourself.  Who you are and what you’re here for will naturally be connected. There are other […]


7 Tips for Overcoming Perfectionism

There’s nothing wrong with striving for success and excellence. However, that is not the same as perfectionism and it’s important to know the difference in order to recognize it and take steps to overcome it. Perfectionism is a tendency to set standards so high they can’t be met, yet never being satisfied with anything less. […]


How to Cope With Negative Emotions

Are you an emotional stuffer? Do you tend to stuff the emotions that you deem “bad” away in a dark corner of your mind in an effort to control them? Many of us learned in childhood that it wasn’t polite or spiritual to dwell on or express negative emotions. “Good” people just don’t do that […]
