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How to Boost Your Self-Esteem

We know having a high vibration is necessary to creating our goals and dreams. Having good self-esteem is important to that process. A common practice people use to boost self-esteem or create positive change in their lives is to use affirmations. But here’s the thing—if your subconscious mind doesn’t believe in what you’re saying, the […]


Core Values and Your Life Purpose

Your core values are the deeply held beliefs about what’s important to you and about the world. They are your highest priorities and your guiding principles. They play an important part in discovering your life purpose. Values aren’t good or bad, better or worse. They are simply what you resonate with—what’s important to you as […]


Laughter and the Law of Attraction

One of the things I really enjoy in my relationship with my husband is how we make each other laugh. It feels great to laugh and that cheery feeling lasts well beyond the actual laugh. Laughter is one of the best ways to get and keep a high vibration. And we know that when we’re […]


Going Beyond the Ego to Find Your Purpose

According to a popular legend, during a tour of NASA headquarters in 1961, John F. Kennedy encountered a janitor mopping the floors. “Why are you working so late?” Kennedy asked.“Mr. President,” the janitor responded, “I’m helping put a man on the moon.” This man saw his work as something larger than simply cleaning a building. […]


Tuning In To Your Soul’s Purpose

When you tune into your soul’s purpose you feel fulfilled and have a clear sense of direction in your life. You are more in the higher flow of life and you let go of the struggle, enjoying the bliss that Joseph Campbell is talking about: “If you follow your bliss, you put yourself on a […]


Finding Purpose in Small Things

We can do no great things-only small things with great love. ~ Mother Teresa If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way. ~ Napolean Hill When we think of purpose, what comes up for most people is something big and life-changing. I’m in complete accord with the desire to make […]


The Service of Receiving

Did you know that receiving help and other gifts of the heart from others is actually a service? I am blessed with the most wonderful sister in the world. She has always been there for me, through thick and thin. She’s always looked out for me from the time we were small. I have such […]


Making Positive Changes

One of the things that holds us back from making positive changes in our lives is the fear that things will be worse in the future than they are now. We cling to the ideas and circumstances we’ve already created, even if their purpose is finished. But if we don’t lovingly let go of the […]


Life Purpose and Your Health

Did you know that having purpose in your life can actually improve your health? Or maybe its just that when you have a purpose in your life, your body’s natural state of health returns! I know my health took a big dip when I was feeling burned out and unhappy at my job. Once I […]


7 Misconceptions About Life Purpose

There are many misconceptions about life purpose. Those misconceptions cause a lot of people to needlessly twist themselves into knots trying to figure out what they’re here for. Below are some common misunderstandings about purpose that I hope to clear up for you.  1.  Not everyone has a life purpose. We are all born with […]
