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Nurturing Self-Worth

The pain we feel as we stew in thoughts of unworthiness is because of the misalignment with that other vibrational part of ourselves. When we feel small, we stop ourselves from fulfilling our purpose and taking the risk to do what we love. Not only do we loose out, but the people who might be served by our light don’t get the opportunity to benefit from it. So what can we do about it?


But They Mean Well

There are many things in life that one does not have complete control over, but finding a way to protect the things that are important, is paramount to a peaceful, joyous, passion-filled existence. Everyone deserves the right to choose how their time is spent, how they want to be treated, how they want their life to operate, and if those choices are not being met, the light to the soul is being blocked, and changes should be made.


The Gold Medal of Happiness

Have you been riveted to your television as I have for the past two weeks, watching remarkable feats of the athletes at the Winter Olympics? I’ve been cheering on my favorite competitors, holding my breath as skaters attempt their quadruple jumps, wincing as skiers crash in that wild ski cross event, and choking up during […]


The Power of Affirmation

What we tell ourselves has tremendous power to create what we experience, and by the Law of Attraction, the more we think a thought, the more we attract the same kinds of thoughts to us.
