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Reflections and Intentions

By Estra Roell Here we are at the start of a new year, when everything feels fresh and possible! It is the time when we traditionally set those New Year’s Resolutions, hoping that this year we’ll finally follow through. So why is it that within the first month, nearly 90% of all people have abandoned […]


Keeping the Joy in the Holidays

How are you doing coping with the stress of the holiday season? Here are some tips that will help you reduce your stress, open your heart and get into the joy of the season.


Visioning Video


Thoughts on Thanksgiving: The Price of Gratitude

by Judith Sherven, PhD and Jim Sniechowski, PhD Long before we get to the table laden with turkey, cranberry sauce and over-sweet yams, we are face-to-face with the challenge of gratitude all month long. For most of the year we can duck and dodge the pressures of thankfulness, and most people do – openly admitting […]


The Power of Gratitude

In the classic 1910 book by Wallace Wattles, The Science of Getting Rich, he states, “The grateful mind is constantly fixed upon the best.  Therefore it tends to become the best.  It takes the form or character of the best and will receive the best.” Think for a moment about the myriad of thoughts and […]


Is There Life After the Kids Have Launched?

This is the time of year when many of you have dropped the last child off at college. Many feelings are no doubt swirling around inside you. You may feel proud of your child and excited about the new possibilities that await him or her. You may also be feeling anxious about your child’s adjustment […]


Choose Your Economy

Hello Friends! This post is by my coach and friend, Eva Gregory. I wanted to share this with my readers, for it is such a topical issue and Eva offers such words of wisdom. Hi folks, We are constantly inundated about our “down” economy. With so much focus on what we’re afraid of and given […]


Seeing the World Through the Eyes of a Child

  I just returned from spending a wonderful week with my 8 month old granddaughter, Bella.  She is pure joy and a reminder of how we all came into this life on the leading edge of creation! What a delight to observe how every experience is fresh and exciting for her!  She has no pre-conceived […]


Intentional Asking

By Estra Roell Life causes us to ask. Every time we experience something we don’t want we get more clarity on what we do want. A desire is broadcast to the Universe at that moment. The Universe hears and responds by immediately setting into motion the cooperative components necessary for bringing us what we want. […]


Nurturing Self-Worth

The pain we feel as we stew in thoughts of unworthiness is because of the misalignment with that other vibrational part of ourselves. When we feel small, we stop ourselves from fulfilling our purpose and taking the risk to do what we love. Not only do we loose out, but the people who might be served by our light don’t get the opportunity to benefit from it. So what can we do about it?
