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5 Reasons People Don’t Live Their Purpose, Part 3: Money

In the past two posts covering 5 reasons people don’t live their purpose, I’ve covered the obstacles of not knowing what you are passionate about and time or commitment issues. This post will cover the topic of how money holds many back from getting started on living their purpose. Once you have identified the direction […]


5 Reasons People Don’t Live Their Purpose Part 2: Time and Commitment

In the last post, we covered getting clear on what you are passionate about and what is truly, deeply meaningful to you. So, once you’re clear on what lights you up, what’s still holding you back? Many people say they just don’t have the time to pursue making a change in their lives. The idea […]


5 Reasons People Don’t Live their Purpose: Part 1

As Henry David Thoreau famously said, “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.” He was explaining how most people are slaves to their work and to those who employ them. They become resigned to this state of affairs which Thoreau called “confirmed desperation.” This rather bleak outlook does bear consideration. Thoreau made this […]


Finding the Hidden Gems

Image by Barbara from Pixabay We’ve all had those times. We’re going along with our lives and suddenly something seems to come out of the blue and brings us to our knees. Something that feels big and bad and we wonder how we will cope. This is the time we need to look for the […]


Life Purpose: What’s it All About?

What is this thing called life purpose and why is it important in our lives? Many people are feeling the urge to create more meaning and fulfillment in their lives, yet struggle with what that would be for them. It is an abstract concept, hard to put your finger on. They feel out of touch […]


ULP or How Good Can You Stand It?

Today I’d like to share an enlightening article by a master speaker, author and coach, Dr. Joe Vitale. I saw this article while looking through Selfgrowth.com, an online self help resource of which I am a member and official Purpose of Life Guide.   It struck me so profoundly that I wanted to share it […]


What Does Being in Alignment Mean?

We often hear from many professionals and speakers that we need to be in alignment to create what we want. Indeed, if you have worked with me you’ve heard it from me, too! But what, exactly does that mean? What are we supposed to be in alignment with and how do we do it? Some […]


The Power of Appreciation

Today I’m simply going to share a video that impacted me. You never know, when you express appreciation, just how much you can affect a life. A simple act of sharing a thank you or stating an appreciation can mean more than you possibly imagined! Think how the world would be changed if more of […]


Coaching vs Therapy vs Consulting: How Do You Choose?

For people seeking help with their lives and careers there are, fortunately, a variety of choices. Coaching, consulting and therapy all provide valuable services. The question is, how do you decided which type of help is best for you? It depends upon what you are seeking to change and where you are starting from. Knowing […]


Are You Putting the Cart Before the Horse?

There is nothing we want for any other reason than we think we will be happier by having it. Whether it is more money, a lover, physical fitness and vitality, a baby, a better job–you name it. Certainly having those things all feel good! But many, if not most, people get stuck in what transformational […]
