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Too Many Passions

Your purpose is about what is meaningful to you in your life. It is what inspires you and it will always be something you love doing. Your passions are the key to living a purpose-full life.  As Janet and Chris Attwood of The Passion Test say, “When faced with a decision always choose in favor […]


5 Myths About Doing Your Purposeful Work

1.  There isn’t a job or career out there that I would really love. The truth is that, while in any situation there are challenges–since that’s one of the ways we grow and understand ourselves–you CAN create a job or career that you love. It is completely possible to find work that utilizes your talents […]


Releasing the Past

Holding on is believing that there’s only a past; letting go is knowing that there’s a future. ~Daphne Rose Kingma We know that what we focus our attention on causes us to get more of that object of our attention. We all want to move forward in life, to be more and have more. Yet […]


Get in the Driver’s Seat: but don’t text and drive!

Often when I am meeting with a new client, I say to them, “I’ve got bad news and good news. The bad news is that you create everything in your life. The good news is that you create everything in your life.” In other words, when you realize that what you give your attention, feelings […]


Every Drop in the Ocean Counts

I’ve had people express to me that they wonder if what they love to do is really helping the world in some way. It’s hard for them to see exactly how they can contribute to the world by doing the things that are fun and enjoyable to them, as the activities seem to be about […]


Living Intentionally

“You create your future with the power of your intention. Intention is simply the conscious act of determining your future now. Health, harmony in relationships, happiness, money, creativity, and love will come to you in the future, based on your intentions now. Intend every day and create your future life.” – Rhonda Byrne Conscious intention […]


We Are All One

I don’t usually get so personal as to share my dreams in a blog post, but I thought this one was worth sharing. I’m not sure why I dreamed this, but perhaps I had the latest news stories in my head and needed to get clear on the truth. So, here goes! I dreamed I […]


Keeping A Positive Mindset

Keeping a positive mindset is imperative to having long term motivation and drive to reach the goals we set for ourselves. On a day to day level, a positive mindset will make each day seem more pleasant and fulfilling than a day filled with negativity and pessimism. The three simple things each one of us […]


What Are You Tolerating?

One of the biggest drains on our energy and vitality is the toleration of situations and occurrences in our lives, both big and small, that feel like contraction every time we experience or observe them. “Tolerate” is a verb meaning: “Allow the existence, occurrence, or practice of (something that one does not necessarily like or […]


Victim or Victor?

Life is full of ups and downs.  Everyone experience those times when things just don’t go the way they expected.  A job or project falls through, disagreements crop up, a spouse leaves–the list could go on!   The difference between someone who grows from these challenges and someone who stays stuck is in how they respond […]
