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Four Steps to Allowing Your Life Purpose to Find You

“Life purpose is whatever path you decide on, for it is all free will.”  ~Sanaya Roman, from Living with Joy I find there is frequently confusion around the idea of finding your life purpose.  It is often thought of as something you must do.  The answer to your life purpose is actually much more joyful […]


What Payoffs Are Keeping You Stuck?

Once we understand the Law of Attraction and other universal laws, we realize a basic truth–We create our own reality.  This is both the good news and the bad news.  It’s great to look at the positives in our lives and take credit for them.  But what about the stuff that’s not so good?  Yep–we […]


Getting Rid of the ANTs in Your Brain for Greater Happiness

Have you noticed that your brain is always “on”?  That’s what it does–it thinks!  Scientists have found we have, on average, 60,000 thoughts a day.  95% of those thoughts are habitual and of those habitual thoughts, about 80% are negative.  That’s about 45,000 habitual negative thoughts a day. We are actually hard-wired to be alert […]


Mega Coaching Hangout Video from the Coaching Movie!

Watch a video of the coach for Richard Branson and Steve Jobs.


Law of Attraction and Soul Contracts

As you begin to understand how the law of attraction can be used to deliberately create what you want in your life you can experience many wonderful and miraculous things. Everything is composed of energy, even you. We know that what we give our attention to, especially with strong emotion, we include in our vibration, […]


Are We Having Fun Yet?

   It’s time to have fun!  The vibration of fun is a high, fine vibration. Think for a moment what it feels like when you are immersed in an experience that is pure fun! Doesn’t it feel like expansion, joy, delight–a lightness of being? When you’re having fun, you’re in the moment completely and time […]


9 Tips for a Stress Free Holiday

The holidays can be fun and joyous, but they can also be stressful. Extra tasks, feeling that we need to make everything perfect and the drain on our financial resources can suck the joy right out of the season. It’s important to remember to love yourself through this time, and in so doing be there […]


You are Enough

One of the most pervasive beliefs that keep people from living their lives as they truly wish is the illusion that they are not “enough”.  Not smart enough, courageous enough, attractive enough, spiritual enough, creative enough, deserving enough….the list goes on. In thinking about taking steps to move into living your life purpose, those feelings […]


3 Ways to Test Your Career Path

One of the things that keeps many people stuck in moving to a new career is fear of the unknown.  How do you know the direction you want to take is the right one?  How do you really know if you’ll like it?  You may have an idea of your life purpose and what you […]


I Love You

As children we were led away from our own inner knowing and taught about the world in a way that fosters many “flawed premises” about who we are and the nature of reality.  That’s OK.  We came to forget so that we could experience the journey of remembering who we really are.  In that journey […]
