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Change Your Story-Change Your Life

Do you remember that movie called “Stranger Than Fiction”  starring Will Farrell and Emma Thompson?  In it, the main character begins to hear an author in his head narrating his life. He eventually realizes she is writing a story in which he, the main character, will die in the end.  So, he sets out to […]


3 Life Hacks I Learned from Watching Sports

I’m not your typical sports fan.  As a child and young adult I had no interest in sports whatsoever, although I devoted hours of time to dance.  Then I had a son who was very much into sports.  So, in my effort to be a supportive mom, I went to every baseball game and figured […]


Is It Easier to Be Unhappy Than Happy?

This was a question that was put before me recently and I thought it an interesting one.  For many people the answer is it’s easier to be unhappy, because unhappiness, struggle and complaint are their default beliefs and behaviors.  For others, happiness seems to come easily.  We all know those people who seem just naturally […]


An Important Question to Change Your Life

“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.”  ~ Marcel Proust Are you looking at what’s going right in your life or at what’s going wrong?  For most people, their default way of thinking is to notice all the things that are not working in their lives, […]


Top 10 Ways to Cope with Job Transition

[tweetthis]Top 10 Ways to Cope with Job Transition[/tweetthis] While our life purpose is not always about our work, most people who come to me are looking for their work to be more fulfilling.  This might mean making some tweaks right where you are, or it may mean going in a new direction. Job transitions can […]


Being in Silence—7 Benefits to Unplugging and Getting Quiet

Today we experience more stimulation from our outside environments than ever before. We have more noise and we are more accessible than ever before. More demands are placed on us in our busy lives. Learn seven benefits to practicing silence for 10 minutes a day.


How to Keep Your Center When the World Seems to be Falling Apart

[tweetthis hidden_hashtags=”#Meditation #LOA”]How to Keep Your Center When the World Seems to be Falling Apart[/tweetthis] When I get the newspaper, I mainly get it for the Style section, which includes the comics and crossword. (Yes, I love the crossword puzzles!)  I don’t find it useful to inundate myself with what the news mostly focuses on, […]


Leap-The Official Trailer of The Coaching Movie


7 Tips to Practice Unconditional Self-Love

As Valentine’s Day approaches our thoughts turn to love.  It’s everywhere!  And its great to celebrate love.  When we think of love, especially on Valentine’s Day, we think of romantic love.  Romantic love is great and we all want it!  It’s necessary to keep the species going and so it is hard wired into us. […]


What Keeps You Going: Passion or Productivity?

I recently read an article that really got my attention.  It asserted that in order to move forward in life and be successful, don’t rely on passion–in fact, the author went so far as to say passion as a force to keep you moving in a successful direction is a lie.  His premise was that […]
