alt= "woman making a bubble representing the importance of letting go"

We are the creators of our lives.  Sometimes it may not seem like it.  Events and relationships can go in a way we don’t like and then we feel like a victim. The truth is, we are more powerful than we realize.  We create with every thought.  Manifesting what we want is a matter of getting aligned with our desires by tuning to the frequency of them.  Letting go of what no longer serves us and focussing our joyful attention on what we do want will aid in bringing about the desired result.

So what do we let go of exactly?

Letting go can be about thoughts and feelings and it can encompass physical objects.  Here are some ideas:

1.  Are you holding anger or fear from past experiences? 

Let go of those feelings by identifying and practicing the feelings you would like to have.  Realize that just because something happened in the past, it doesn’t mean it will happen in the present or future—unless you hold on to the feelings and pictures of that past experience.

Tune into the essence what you want.  How do you expect to feel when you have the circumstances, relationships or things you desire?  How can you create those feelings right now?  

For example, If you want to feel ease, in what ways can you generate that feeling now?  You can imagine being in a safe, beautiful place, or do an activity that feels great to do.  

Any time you feel the old feelings that don’t serve you creep in, notice them, thank them for trying to help you and imagine them leaving like a fog that is lifting and being burned away by the sun.  Then replace those feelings with the ones that feel better.

2.  Let go of trying to control everything. 

You have no control over what other people do or say.  The thing you do have control over is your own vibration.  What you think about has a vibration.  So focus on what you can control and let go of what you can’t.  

Appreciate nature and the beauty that surrounds you.  Appreciation is a very high vibe!  Trust that the universe and your higher self have your back.

3.  Letting go of beliefs that don’t serve you. 

You may or may not be aware of beliefs you hold about what you deserve, if you are “enough,”  what you “should” be doing with your life, etc.  Many self-defeating beliefs reside in the subconscious mind and we’re just not aware we hold them.

You can begin to understand what beliefs you may be holding by taking a look at your life. Where do you seem you keep getting stuck? For example, you many be having repeated issues about your work, relationships, health, or finances.

You can begin to re-wire your brain to hold new beliefs that support your goals by purposefully thinking new thoughts.  One great way to create an affirmation is to utilize the power of I AM.  

For example:  I am free to be happy and healthy.

I am proud of my results and deserve my rewards.

“I am” puts everything into the present moment, rather than at some future date. It is also powerful because it is a statement of being. It connects you to your higher self. Be mindful of using “I am” only for what you want to manifest.

You can also work with EFT (tapping) or PSYCH-K.  Both are designed to overcome subconscious self-sabotaging blocks.  

4.  Letting go of clutter. 

Another way we get stuck in a rut is having clutter. Objects hold energy so if you have broken things you’ve been needing to get rid of or more “stuff” than you really need, it is a freeing feeling to let these things go.  You will feel yourself getting lighter and happier as you de-clutter. As Marie Kondo says:  Does it spark joy? If not, it needs to go!

Let the letting go process be easy and joyful and see how your life changes! Need help letting go and living your best life? Schedule you free Strategy Session with me!