The holidays can be fun and joyous, but they can also be stressful. Extra tasks, feeling that we need to make everything perfect and the drain on our financial resources can suck the joy right out of the season. It’s important to remember to love yourself through this time, and in so doing be there for the loved ones in your life.

Here are some tips to help you through:

1. Be aware of when you are feeling stressed. Stress feels like contraction and happiness feels like expansion. When you are in a constant state of “go, go, go” you can begin to think that the feeling of being contracted is normal. Create the habit of stopping and asking yourself how you are feeling.

2. Breathe.  Simple enough, but are you breathing deeply or are you breathing shallowly or even holding your breath? That is a sure sign of stress. Do regular check-ins throughout the day and take 2 minutes to deep belly breathe in slow breaths. Setting your phone to chime every hour will help you remember to check in.

3. Be aware of your self talk and stop “shoulding” yourself. When negative thoughts come up, flip, them to something positive and loving. Tell yourself,”I love you” often! That inner critic is never telling you the truth!

4. Only do as much as feels good to you with decorating, meal preparation, baking, etc. You can always ask for help, make it a fun family activity or simply let go of the arbitrary standard you may be holding yourself to.

5. Connect to spirit. Set quiet time aside to meditate, do yoga, take a bubble bath or whatever practice brings you inner peace. Be loving to yourself and allow your well being to flow to you.

6. Pre-pave your shopping experiences by setting the intention that they are easy and fun. Visualize going into a store or online and finding the exact gift that is perfect and is a great price. Put your love into this, imagining the joy of the person receiving it.

7. Remember self care:  get enough sleep,  drink plenty of water,  eat healthy choices and exercise.   I pack my own snacks for when I’m out shopping so I don’t end up eating greasy mall food.  If exercise is hard to fit in, park your car far away and take those extra steps into the stores.  It is the holidays, though, so go ahead and enjoy some treats!  Just don’t go to parties hungry so you aren’t tempted to overindulge.

8. Sing and do activities that are fun for you! Look for the joy and appreciate the sounds and sights of the season. Notice what is there to feel grateful for. Share the gratitude with others!

9. For thoughtful, fun and cost effective gifts, I recommend you check out my friend Sherry Richert Belul’s website,

Have a joyous holiday season!