The act of setting an intention is your declaration to the universe of what goal or outcome you want to experience in your life. It is born of having a vision of what you want–which is the result of experiencing the contrast, or what you don’t want.
Every time we run up against a challenge or difficulty, it is an opportunity to create something new and to grow spiritually. So when you are in the midst of challenging circumstances, understand that it is your opportunity to gain clarity on your lessons and create new, fine tuned intentions. The sooner you focus on what you are learning from the situation, the sooner you can release it. Every experience we have has something FOR us in it and so, we must include EVERYTHING in our gratitude! I know, while in the midst of it, it can seem big, bad and awful. But looking back, you will see that the thing that seemed so awful at the time pointed you in new directions that ultimately benefited you in ways you would not have otherwise experienced.
Here are 3 steps to help you manifest your intentions:
1. Once you have gotten clarity on what you want, you can craft your intention statement. A powerful intention is stated in the present tense using only positive words. An example would be, “I intend that I am working in a job that is engaging, utilizes my talents and abilities and is in a friendly and relaxed environment.”
2. The next step is to surrender. This doesn’t mean giving up on what you want, it means allowing the universe to line up all the creative components necessary to bring about your desire and to be open to how and when it happens. If you insist on the thing you want showing up in only one way and in a specific time, you limit what you can receive.
There is a buffer of time involved in gathering the components of your desire. Your job in the meantime is to be in alignment with what you want. This means utilizing all parts of your being to “act as if” you have what you want. Use all of your senses in this process. The more you can FEEL what it would be like to already have it, the more successful you will be at manifesting it. Use all of your senses in this. Imagine what you would be hearing if you got what you wanted. What would people be saying to you? What would you be saying to yourself? What other sounds might you hear?Imagine having a celebratory meal. What would you be tasting and smelling? Imagine the feel of holding the paper of the signed contract, or walking barefoot on the sandy beach of your dream vacation. What do you feel in your body? Excitement? Peace? What will you be seeing? Smiling faces? Beautiful vistas? Sunny rooms with beautiful colors? The more you allow yourself to fully “BE” in your vision, the more powerfully you will create it. When I manifested my house, I thought of it first thing in the morning and as I went to sleep at night. I pictured the light, the hardwood floors, french doors, etc. and I also imagined my family gathered in the kitchen, cooking and eating together, laughing and talking. I imagined the smell of clean air (I had been living in a duplex next to smokers) and heard the birdsong. As it turned out, my house is surrounded by trees and back from the road. I have a lot of wildlife and my family does indeed gather here.
3. The next step is to be in inspired action. That action is simply the result of opportunities that show up as seeming synchronicities that you want to act on. For example, I have a client who just applied for her dream job. While at an event, she met the person who will be doing the interviews. As she met with other friends and colleagues throughout the week about other matters, three people said they personally know the director of the program and to put them down as references. Her action was simply to follow her interest in attending the event, let people know she had applied and follow up on including them as references. She is in “the flow, where miracles abide” as a result of aligning all parts of her being with her clear vision. This is where taking action is easy and is clearly the next step.
For more help with manifesting what you want in life, contact me for a free Discovery Session or explore my new self study course, Magnetize to Manifest: 7 Steps to Living your Ideal Life.