Winter sunrise
Astronomically, winter solstice is the time when the sun at noon appears at its lowest point on the horizon. It marks the longest night and shortest day of the year. The seasonal significance of the winter solstice is in the reversal of the gradual lengthening of nights and shortening of days. This year, as in most, solstice falls on December 21st.
In ancient times, celebrations were held to encourage the return of the light. In modern times we have no fear of the sun not rising again, but it is a time at the end of our year, to pause and reflect; to appreciate the beauty and wonder of the universe and to go within to see where our own dark places are that we can bring out into the light and heal, both individually and collectively.
Some people still enjoy the tradition of the yule log, decorating it with dried flowers and leaves and throwing it on the fire to burn brightly. They gather with friends to bask in the glow of the fire and loving-kindness. Some people simply light a candle and meditate upon the flame. There is a metaphor here that even in the dark there is always light. The light represents hope and our inner illumination. We are, at our core, beings of light.
A Suggested Solstice Meditation:
As you reflect on your past year, where do you need to shine more light? What has held you back or kept you stuck? Look at this without judgement, just as an observer. As you think of these things, get quiet and call in the light and imagine placing these stuck places (fears, self-doubt, worry, anger, limiting beliefs) into a beautiful beam of sparkling light–or any way you want to imagine it. You can create a symbol for your blockages, such as a wall. As you shine light on it, it transforms. You can see it dissolve into light or turn into a crystal, or anything else that comes up for you. There is no wrong way to do this! Your intention is what is important. Feel the light flow into you and enjoy the peace and stillness it brings. Stay there as long as you like. As you come back, notice if any thoughts occur to you. Write them down in your journal. You may think you have made it all up, but our imaginations are powerful tools to connect us with our higher minds. In this way you set the template for the coming year.
We are all here to shine our light through expressing our highest purpose that we came to do in this lifetime. As we attend to our own development and spiritual growth, we help others in ways that may or may not be apparent to us. Let your light shine this solstice and throughout the next year!
Many blessings in the new year and days filled with laughter, warmth and love.