Driver's seat of lifeOften when I am meeting with a new client, I say to them, “I’ve got bad news and good news. The bad news is that you create everything in your life. The good news is that you create everything in your life.” In other words, when you realize that what you give your attention, feelings and thoughts to is what shows up in your reality, you are then empowered! You can get into the driver’s seat of your life and choose where to place your attention to create something you like better.

There is actually a part of our brain called the Reticular Activating System, which filters the billions of bits of random data available in each and every second, and brings our attention to only the minute portion of it that is relevant to whatever we are focused upon.  That’s why when you are focused on getting a new cherry red Mazda, you begin to see them everywhere. What we see, what we feel, and what we experience when we look out at the world is not fixed.  It is created by our point of focus as we observe it.   This one understanding can change your life, because while it is true that you have very little control over the world, you have absolute control over your point of focus. 

media distractions 6.21.11 PMHowever, we do live in a world of distractions. Many things are vying for our attention and many of us have become used to the interruptions. We are bombarded by instant access via mobile phones, email, TV, social media, and, dare I say it, rudeness! I’m not saying to abandon these things, (OK, maybe loose the rude interruptions) simply to be conscious of where you are focused and to honor yourself enough to be deliberate in    guarding your focus. We can easily get our attention hijacked and loose control over it, placing our focus on what we don’t want. So, to take control of your focus I recommend two things:

Meditation and Intending

Meditation allows us to re-center and get in touch with who we are. Taking quiet time alone each day, especially in the morning to set the energy for the day and in the evening to let the day go and transition into sleep can do wonders to help you re-claim your focus. Quick little one minute “meditations”, focusing on your breath during the day can help keep you on track when the world intrudes in ways you don’t find uplifting.

Another extremely powerful practice is to set intentions for your life and for each day. All conscious creation begins with setting an intention. Starting out the day by intending for what you want is setting you up to work with the Reticular Activating System for what you do want. You are declaring to your brain and the universe where you are placing your focus.

Intending is easy to do. Simply say. “I intend I am….” and state what you want. For example, “I intend I am living joyfully, smiling easily and laughing a lot.” “I intend I am the owner of a new cherry red Mazda.” “I intend my speech is positive and uplifting to others.” “I intend money flows easily into my life.” “I intend all that I intend is for my highest good and the highest good of all concerned.” Notice that all the intentions are in the present tense. Like affirmations, you want to intend for NOW, not sometime in the future, which will never come. You may end your intentions with “So be it and so it is.” I believe intentions work more efficiently in our lives than affirmations because you are making a declaration–a decision–that the subconscious mind cannot argue with. Then, let go and know that you have been heard and that what you want is on it’s way to you.

A couple of months ago I set my intention to begin an Intender’s Circle and I’m happy to say that I took action on that intention. Coming together with like-minded people in a lighthearted way adds power to our intentions because we can hold each others intentions and positive pictures. If you are local to the Charlottesville, VA area and would like to join our circle, please contact me. If you are not, and would like to find an Intender’s Circle or start one yourself, you can find more information at