“You create your future with the power of your intention. Intention is simply the conscious act of determining your future now. Health, harmony in relationships, happiness, money, creativity, and love will come to you in the future, based on your intentions now. Intend every day and create your future life.” – Rhonda Byrne

thinking of intentionsConscious intention is a practice that, if performed daily, will begin to manifest in your life in wonderful ways. We know that we are always creating our reality with every thought. With that in mind, it is wise to understand the power of intention in manifesting what you desire and to be aware of your dominant thoughts and feelings. This is a basic law of attraction principle for manifesting.

In her book, Happy for No Reason, Marci Shimoff talks about the formula for creating what you want:

Intention–Attention–No Tension

Setting an intention is getting a clear understanding of what you want to manifest in your life, whether it be something material, such as a new car, or something more abstract, like happiness or spiritual growth. To set an intention, make sure you are in a quiet place and take a few deep breaths and allow your body to relax. State your intention out loud and write it down. Make sure that it is in the present tense. For example: “I intend that I am the owner of a new Subaru”, or “I intend that I am experiencing a deep sense of peace and well-being,” or “I intend that I am doing work I love and is in alignment with my highest purpose for this lifetime.”

The next step is to put your attention only on the things that make you feel good. When intending for a new house, I got very playful with it. Instead of looking at all the things that were upsetting to me about where I was living, I shifted into imagining my new house. I not only constructed it in my head, with all the features I desired, but I imagined my family and myself in the house, laughing together, preparing meals and having fun. I acted as if it were an accomplished fact. It was a fun place to be, in my head! I had no idea how this would come about, but I trusted that it would. I believed I deserved it. It all came together effortlessly and in some surprising ways. Yes, there was some action to take, but the action was minimal and easy.
If you are manifesting something abstract, ask yourself how you will know when you have it. What will you feel like, what will your life look like when you have it?

The no tension step is often the tripping point for many. This is where you relax, let go and TRUST that what you want is a done deal. You must decide that we live in a supportive and benevolent universe. You are part of the All-That-Is and are a powerful creator, deserving of all you desire. Your desires are there for a reason! Be easy; be playful.

I have recently had the pleasure of interviewing Tony Burroughs, author of The Code and Get What You Want: the art of making and manifesting your intentions. Tony advises to set the intention that all of your intentions be for the highest good of you, the universe and all who are concerned. This is a wonderful piece to add to your intentions, as it is what all of us on a spiritual path do intend. If an intention is not for the highest good of all, it will not manifest in your life.

Another powerful practice Tony shared is to come together in community to share intentions. It has been shown many times that a group focused on an intention has amazing power to create.

I intend that I am creating an intention circle! Be on the lookout for more information!