We are all oneI don’t usually get so personal as to share my dreams in a blog post, but I thought this one was worth sharing. I’m not sure why I dreamed this, but perhaps I had the latest news stories in my head and needed to get clear on the truth. So, here goes!

I dreamed I was part of a group, I believe a scientific group, attending a convention. While there, we were suddenly set upon by a group of people who were wearing middle eastern headdress that wrapped around to cover their faces. I believe the idea was to take us as hostages, but before that could happen, both groups found ourselves placed together in a room by a third, unseen entity. There were no weapons in the room and everybody was startled. Then, an interesting thing happened. We all began to remove our outer garments. We just “knew” that’s what we needed to do next. Our would-be captors unwrapped the fabric from their faces and the group of which I was a part took off our jackets. We basically removed the outer markers of our identities. As I looked at the faces of the people gathered in the room, I was struck with a realization that we were all the same. One man began to speak (I could never make out the words, although in the dream I had an understanding of them–you know how it is with dreams!) and as he spoke, I felt such a sense of connection and love. This feeling of connection and oneness extended to every member of the group, and was returned to me. Since there was nothing else to do, we sat down together to play a game. All we had for playing pieces was candy! I wasn’t at all tempted to eat it, as the pieces had been handled by everyone, but perhaps it was symbolic of the sweetness of the feeling in the group. The game proceeded with a sense of fun and harmony,  and I woke up.

My conclusion: By removing the coverings of illusion–the things that we use in this earth plane to define us as separate–we remember who we really all are. We are all one, from the same source and we have come here to play together.