We’ve all had those times. We’re going along with our lives and suddenly something seems to come out of the blue and brings us to our knees. Something that feels big and bad and we wonder how we will cope. This is the time we need to look for the hidden gems.
Looking for the Gems
The fact is, we are here in this physical time/space reality in order to grow through experiences. It need not be through struggle. It can be through the path of joy. But even on the path of joy there are challenges. When we’re attuned to looking for the good in situations, we get through the challenge faster and more easily.
The challenges can be, in retrospect, the best things that happened to us. The experience that looks and feels so awful at the time can turn out to be the very thing that presents new opportunities and sets us upon new paths. It doesn’t necessarily mean that we have mis-created. Every situation has something to teach us about ourselves and the world around us.
Steve Jobs as an Example
I am reminded of when Steve Jobs was fired from Apple. He was devastated! This was his company, his baby and his life. He spent a few months knocking around, feeling bad. Then, he had a realization. No one had really taken anything from him. He still had within him everything he needed, everything he had always had. Steve still loved computers and design. He still had purpose, talent and ideas and could apply that to what he wanted.
He went on the develop Pixar, a very successful company. While he was doing that he met the woman who became his wife. Getting fired from Apple was the best thing that ever happened to him! And, of course, Apple finally realized it’s mistake and hired him back. The real point to this is that Steve realized he was in control of his own life, not the victim of circumstances or anyone else’s choices. That’s growth!
How to Find the Hidden Gems
1. When you are faced with something that feels like a huge challenge, be gentle with yourself. Take the time to really get in touch with how you’re feeling. Allow yourself to feel your feelings and sit with them for awhile.
2. Take a few deep breaths to begin to relax. Remember that everything is really for us in some way.
3. Start with the feeling you have now and offer a statement that feels slightly better. If you’re familiar with the Emotional Scale that Abraham-Hicks teaches, you know that you’re not looking to feel great right away. It’s too big a vibrational leap to go from a feeling of powerlessness to a feeling of joy. All you’re doing is finding some relief, step by step. This is a gradual process.
4. Keep offering statements that feel just a little better than the one before. You may need to go through feelings of anger, blame, insecurity and so on. As you keep offering statements that feel a little better, you will eventually come to a feeling of hope, or possibility. Now you’ve turned a corner! As you continue to feel better, you put yourself in a mindset and vibrational alignment that will allow inspiration to occur. This process can take as long or as short as you need it to.
5. Ask yourself, “What are the positive aspects of this situation?” “What did I learn?” “What new opportunities does this open up for me?” The answers to these questions are how you find the hidden gems.
Your Purpose May Be a Hidden Gem
When your life shaken up a bit, as unpleasant as that is, it can be the thing that opens you up to your purpose. It may free you to explore what really matters to you.
Many people who have experienced some type of event that seemed terrible at the time have gone on to help others who find themselves in the same or similar circumstances.
Here’s an affirmation from the awesome Louise Hay that can help you: “All is well and everything always has a way of working out for my greatest good.”
Just knowing that I can take control of my own feelings, which will lead to an improved condition is something that brings me relief every time!