Having a vision for your life is a beautiful thing. It makes your dreams feel more concrete and obtainable. It gives you focus, direction and a barometer upon which to make life decisions. With a vision, you live with intention and purpose because you know where you are going. Without the direction of a clear vision for guidance, it is unlikely you will feel fulfilled because you will not base your decisions on what you want and where you are headed, but instead you will base them on circumstances of the moment.

When I ask my clients what their vision is for their lives, many of them have no idea. Instead, they begin telling me all about what isn’t working for them. This is understandable. When we are in the midst of experiencing things that we don’t want we’re very much aware of them. They are at the forefront of our attention. We develop habits of thought around those experiences that, by law of attraction, bring more thoughts and circumstances to match the ones we just had. This continues to create more circumstances that we don’t want in our lives.

An exercise I use with my coaching clients in this circumstance is called “Clarity Through Contrast”. Since they are so clear on what they don’t like about their current situation, I have them make a list of all the things that aren’t working. Then, we go back through the list and one at a time, flip each statement of what they don’t want to it’s opposite.
For example:
“My boss never acknowledges my accomplishments or shows me any respect.” We can flip that to “I have a boss that respects me as a person and an employee and values and acknowledges my accomplishments.”

We continue through the list that way, and when they’re done, they have plenty of material for creating their vision of their ideal life. I also have them destroy the list of things they don’t like by shredding it, tearing it up, or safely burning it. A great feeling of liberation results!

Try creating a vision of what you want your life to look like in all areas of life, and picture it in your mind every day. The more you focus on what you do want, with all the delightful feelings of already having it, the quicker you will begin to see evidence of small shifts taking place. When inspired ideas occur to you from this better feeling place, take action! Even the smallest steps will lead you to your goals.